First was Nicole Gallagher speaking on her recently completed masters dissertation and her upcoming JALT PanSIG presentation on teacher beliefs and the new Course of Study.
Next up as Fumi Ogata from Kikuyo JHS, talking about using the speech of Malala Yousafzai, the recent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and the youngest recipient of the prize. A link to the speech is here.
If you are interested in the topic, you can watch Malala's speech on It is free to join, and if you join, you can access 2 videos a month, but if you become a member, you can watch and record yourself repeating as many videos as you would like. I have some free one-month memberships, so put your name and email address in the comments, or write to me directly at
Another great meeting, looking forward to seeing all of you next month!
Joe Tomei
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