I am originally from the US, and have been a faculty member at Kumamoto Gakuen University (KGU) since 1998. My research is in 2 areas: Cognitive Linguistics and English Language Teaching. I've had a long-distance relationship with PIGATE, but with the move to KGU, I hope that I can participate regularly.
I have a number of hobbies. I started doing judo, and have done some martial arts for about 35 years. I now do aikido (合気道), iaido (居合道) and tai chi (太極拳). If you want to try any of these, let me know.

I also love music and play the french horn. I was originally a music major as an undergraduate, but changed to linguistics after 3 years.
These hobbies have a strong influence on my ideas about teaching, because I think learning English is like doing a sport or martial art or playing an instrument.
Look forward to seeing everyone at PIGATE!
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